Monday, November 26, 2012

Moving into the motor home again

Guess I should get things up to date here. It may take a few posts to get to current. My Mom passed away in January. Since this was Wisconsin, I planned on moving out of the apartment and hitting the road May 1. By that time some campgrounds would be open and water should be turned on. The apartment I lived in with my Mom was in a retirement community and fortunately, though we had a lease, they were very flexible so I could just leave whenever as long as I gave them notice. So I let them know I would be out by May 1 and they started showing the apartment. Just a few weeks after they started showing it, a women and her daughter saw it and decided they would take it for the Mother. Shortly after that the daughter wanted to know if her Mom could move in sooner as she was stressing out over the move. I said sure, I could be out by April 1.

 Yikes! I needed to get serious about getting rid of stuff and packing things up. Fortunately, I had lived in my RV for years while I was still working so I still had what I used then and knew what would fit and where. So I hurried up and brought the RV into town from my brothers where it was stored and parked it in the apartment parking lot and moved into it. I just got everything out, cleaned the apartment and had my inspection and found out the next day that the woman who would be moving in had a stroke and would not be able to live by herself. How sad for her and her daughter.

 I was now parked in the apartment building lot with an electrical cord going into my sister's apartment so I had heat but no water and far from level so no refrigerator. I needed to organize everything that I had thrown in and remove some stuff I didn't have room for or want. After things settled in a bit, I moved out to my brothers place so I could de-winterize and check out my water lines. Had a problem with the automatic valve on the top of the water heater that took awhile and several parts to fix and the outside shower hand thingy was broken and needed to be replaced but everything else was fine. Hope I never need to winterize again!

Left my brothers place and went to a State Park that was open all year and I was on my way again. The rest of the summer was spent in Wisconsin except for a trip to OK delivering stuff to my son and a trip to South Dakota to get my drivers license. I attended a Kayak Symposium in Door County put on by Rutabaga that was awesome. Hopefully I can attend one again somewhere.

I will finish up the rest of the summer in another post. I am currently in Texas enjoying the warm weather and lots of time to relax with my knitting and reading along with lots of walking.

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