Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Warning: Sharp curves ahead!

Sharp curves and steep hills were the order for today and yesterday.

Highway 12 in Washington

Yesterday I traveled I90 to I82 then turned off on Highway 12 almost to I5.  The interstate had lots of steep hills and 12 had hills and curves.  Good thing I was not in a hurry to get anywhere.

At the top of White Pass (4500) I saw a group of new Jaguars in different colors.  Looks like they were having a photo shoot.  Later the red and black ones went roaring past me going down the mountain.  I decided not to race them.

Today I took I5 south to Longview and took the bridge over the Columbia River to Highway 30 in Oregon.  Traveling west on 30 there were lots of hills and curves again.  When I turned on to Highway 101 down the coast, you guessed it, lots more hills and curves.

I am settled in here near Pacific City for a while so no more driving the RV for a while.  I will be making some trips with the car but that is no problem.  The coast is grey and cool which feels good after the constant sun and heat I have been in.

Two nights ago I stayed at the Crescent Bar Resort which was in a beautiful spot but the drive down off the cliffs to almost river level was not something I want to do again.  Curvy road and most of the time I seemed to be at the edge of the cliff about to go off.  Coming back out was easier since I didn't need to worry about braking for the curves and I was on the inside.  Here are some pictures from the Resort.

I drove down from the top of those cliffs.

A pretty view of the Columbia River.

I only had one bar when I fired up my Jetpack today so I whipped out my new Sleek 3G and hooked up the antenna getting me a nice 3 bars.  Life is good.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A walk in the woods

Yesterday I went for a walk from my campsite to check out the area.  A small path joins with an ATV trail that winds around in the woods.

Large boulders plopped down by themselves along the trail.

Lots of new growth.

A cute baby tree.

Lovely ferns below a tree stump.

I got up pretty high before the trail ended.

A small ground squirrel sitting on the tree stump.  Can you see it?

My handy Leki poles.  I don't take a hike without them.


I ended up hiking just over 4 miles which is perfect because that means I accomplished my daily goal of 10,000 steps per day.  I managed 10,770 total at the end of the day according to my Fitbit.

Took this picture out of my RV window.  There is a critter to the right of the large rock in the bottom left of the picture.  I think it may be a yellow-bellied marmot but I am not sure because it doesn't seem large enough.  There is a family of them and they live under a pile of rocks at the edge of my campsite.

It's Thursday already and I need to plan my trip for next week.  Monday I need to leave here and I think I will head to the Oregon coast area.  Probably will take a couple of days to do it.  Life is good.