Thursday, August 1, 2013

A walk in the woods

Yesterday I went for a walk from my campsite to check out the area.  A small path joins with an ATV trail that winds around in the woods.

Large boulders plopped down by themselves along the trail.

Lots of new growth.

A cute baby tree.

Lovely ferns below a tree stump.

I got up pretty high before the trail ended.

A small ground squirrel sitting on the tree stump.  Can you see it?

My handy Leki poles.  I don't take a hike without them.


I ended up hiking just over 4 miles which is perfect because that means I accomplished my daily goal of 10,000 steps per day.  I managed 10,770 total at the end of the day according to my Fitbit.

Took this picture out of my RV window.  There is a critter to the right of the large rock in the bottom left of the picture.  I think it may be a yellow-bellied marmot but I am not sure because it doesn't seem large enough.  There is a family of them and they live under a pile of rocks at the edge of my campsite.

It's Thursday already and I need to plan my trip for next week.  Monday I need to leave here and I think I will head to the Oregon coast area.  Probably will take a couple of days to do it.  Life is good.


  1. Hi Dorothy!

    I've tried several times to comment. I will persevere! (I think the problem is my URL change from .com to .net.... My URL is going through "the change!")

    Enjoyed reading about our time together at Red Mountain. It was fun getting to know you, your rig, and your iPad! Great blog, BTW. I like your focus on nature and your direct writing style. Take care... Enjoy Oregon. (Well, who wouldn't!) Sue

    1. Thanks Sue, comments don't show up right away because I monitor them first. I was getting a lot of spam for a while that I didn't want going directly to the blog.

    2. Don't you use Akismet or some kind of spam filter? It works well for me. Sometimes it filters good comments which I try to catch and then approve.

    3. Blogger has it's own spam filter which usually works good. I don't know why I was getting spam on one post for a while. I haven't been getting spam for a while so I guess I could have comments post immediately again.
