Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Escapade and beyond

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Escapade.  Lots of informative classes and interesting people.  My neighbors parked next to me were from England.  They have been traveling all over the world and this year they bought a big class A RV and are traveling around the US.  Met a lot of members of the Solo group and joined them for happy hour most evenings.  I did join the Solos group while there.  I also took classes explaining about the Ham radio group and the Geocaching group.  I may get back into Geocaching if I can find the time!

Here is my row at Escapade.  I am the 7th RV from the end but you can't see me because I am buried between two big class A's!  The end of my Honda is sticking out though.  We had a row of 3 CRV's there.

This is an interesting unit.  They all matched.

At the end of Escapade I went on two sightseeing trips.  One to Little Bighorn Battlefield

and one to Rushmore and Crazy Horse.

We walked around the trail at Rushmore and I was able to get some photos closer up.

The head is complete now on Crazy Horse.

It was nice riding the bus to these places so I was able to enjoy the scenery and not worry about driving or parking.

The day after Rushmore, I left Gillette, WY and headed back to Rapid City, SD to get my will redone in SD.  I had tried to get in touch with the lawyer when I was in Box Elder but they did not call me back before it was time to head to Escapade.  I stayed at Hart Ranch which is a very large resort that I can stay at cheaply through RPI.

While I waited for the appointment with the lawyer, I made a trip to Jewel Cave National Monument.  It is the third longest cave in the world with over 167 miles mapped.

It was hard for me to get good pictures in there.

After the cave tour I hiked a trail on top.  Here is an interesting rock face with lots of colors.

There was a forest fire that wiped out a lot of timber making for a depressing hike.

That pretty much brings me up to the current time.  I managed to get my will complete and signed on Monday and Tuesday I headed west to spend some time in the Pacific Northwest.  Made it to Sheridan, WY today.


  1. Oh how I loved Mt Rushmore. I don't think pictures do it justice do you? I am still amazed at how it all came together. The history was fascinating. Great pictures.

    1. Hi Tammy, it is beyond me how someone can chip away rock and get it to look perfect. They are so big!
